A Burn Injury Lawyer Ready to Fight for the Compensation You Deserve
If you or a loved one are in pain following a burn injury, Roger "Rocky" Walton can represent you as a burn injury lawyer in Arlington, TX. Roger Walton has successfully represented many victims of burn injuries caused by chemicals, fires, or hot equipment, and can help you in building a strong case to seek compensation for the damages you have experienced.
Burn injuries are classified according to the severity of the burn, ranging from minor, first-degree burns that may result from a hot oven to fourth-degree burns, which can be life-threatening. A burn injury may require extensive hospitalization, rehabilitation, and plastic surgery. It is critical to work with an experienced personal injury attorney to recover the damages you have suffered.

Potential Causes of a Burn Injury
A burn injury can result from a chemical burn, an open fire or grill burn, an electrical burn, or a radiation burn. Many of these burns may be classified as workplace injuries, depending on the occupation. Workers such as electricians, chefs, and construction and factory workers may be at a higher risk of suffering a burn injury in the workplace.
Burn injuries are classified according to the severity of the burn, ranging from minor, first-degree burns that may result from a hot oven to fourth-degree burns, which can be life-threatening.
Burn injuries may also result from a house fire, which can sometimes be traced back to faulty wiring by an electrician. Fires are also common in catastrophic car accidents, especially those accidents involving trucks transporting highly flammable substances. Resulting injuries can be life-threatening. Any burn higher than a first-degree burn is likely to result in scarring. Depending on the severity, location, and extent of the burn, a skin graft or plastic surgery may be required.
As your personal injury attorney, Rocky Walton will seek compensation on your behalf for medical expenses and other damages.
Burn Injury Damages
A burn injury can result in a variety of damages ranging from medical expenses to pain and suffering. Rocky Walton will work diligently to ensure you receive adequate compensation for these damages. Damages may include:
- Medical Expenses: A burn injury may require extended hospitalization, numerous treatments, skin grafts or plastic surgery, rehabilitation, and long-term care.
- Lost Wages: If you lack adequate paid time off or short- or long-term disability insurance through your work, the time you spend in the hospital and in rehabilitation recovering from your injuries may be without pay.
- Property Damage: If your injury resulted in damages to your home, vehicle, or other property, you may be compensated for these damages.
- Declined Quality of Life: Serious burn injuries can result in extensive scarring and even nerve damage, which may affect you for the rest of your life.
- Pain and Suffering: Burn injuries are extremely painful and may continue to be painful for an extended period of time.
What You Can Expect from the Law Firm of Rocky Walton
Rocky Walton is a board-certified personal injury trial lawyer with over 25 years of personal injury experience. He and his team will work with you every step of the way through this difficult and painful experience. We can refer you to a qualified medical specialist for any necessary medical treatment, regardless of whether you carry health insurance. We can negotiate your treatment costs with providers and insurers, and take every measure to help you receive the maximum amount of compensation for the damages you have suffered. We offer clients a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Rocky Walton will review your case and discuss it with you in detail. If we decide to pursue your case, we investigate and gather evidence, and collect pertinent medical records and testimony to build a strong case against the parties responsible for your injuries.
Contact Our Law Firm Today
If you have sustained burn injuries caused by chemical, electrical, heat, fire, or explosion accidents, resulting from a third party's carelessness or negligence, we can provide effective legal representation to secure just compensation. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury, contact our law firm immediately to schedule your free consultation.