Fire Truck Hit by Speeding Car Crashed into Apartments - San Antonio By Rocky Walton on April 06, 2022

A firetruck smashed into the side of an apartment building in San Antonio on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, reported NBCDFW. San Antonio police department reported that around 10:30 PM at an apartment complex on the city's northwest side the firefighters chief stated that while on a call one of the fire trucks was struck by a speeding car. The impact of the car sent the fire truck careening into the adjacent apartment building. The impact of the truck against the building knocked down staircases on the second floor. Witnesses saw other firefighters helping residents down the second-floor stairs using ladders to safety. No one was hurt from the impact of the fire truck striking the apartment building. Though the fire chief did note that the most damaged unit in the apartment building had a family of three inside it sleeping. The chief said that had the impact happened a few hours earlier it could have been multiple fatalities. Eight units of the apartment building were damaged, and the American Red Cross has stepped up to help those displaced by the incident. At this time the driver of the car has not been identified or charged with any sort of crime for the crash.

Our Prayer

Dear Lord, please watch over those who have been affected by the tragedy of losing their homes. Please give them the strength to pull through until they can recover. Lord, please bless those who are there to help and give them the grace to continue their good works Lord. We ask this in your name with all the glory and honor to you. Amen.

It is not often that an emergency first response vehicle is struck especially around other vehicles if they are on call. Though accidents happen especially at night. Without more information on the driver and their mental state, it is impossible to know if the driver was impaired in some way. Most often impairments come in the way of alcohol, narcotics, or exhaustion along with night driving. While common distractions that slow down reaction times are cell phone usage and eating. If the Richardson police deem to release more information on the crash it will become apparent which of these factors were at play. Amid the dozens of things going through the victims' heads right now hiring a lawyer is likely not high on the list. Though this is often a mistake, as hiring an attorney is likely to take a lot of the stress out of dealing with insurance companies among other entities. Roger “Rocky” Walton is a board-certified accident attorney with decades of experience dealing with vehicle accident cases.

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To find out how Roger “Rocky” Walton can help you collect the compensation you are due for your losses, contact our practice online or call us at (817) 429-4299.



Roger 'Rocky' Walton

Rocky Walton Injury Lawyers

Rocky Walton Injury Lawyers has been exclusively representing personal injury clients since 1987. He is proud to be affiliated with top legal organizations, including:

  • Texas Trial Lawyers Association
  • American Association for Justice
  • Texas Board of Legal Specialization
  • Tarrant County Bar Association 

If you are looking for legal representation from a top-rated lawyer in Arlington, call or text our law firm at (817) 429-4299 today! We serve clients in Grand Prairie, Fort Worth, and surrounding areas.

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