Law Firm of Roger 'Rocky' Walton, P.C.

Road Trip Safety Tips

Jun 28, 2021 @ 04:28 PM — by Rocky Walton
Tagged with: Road Trip Safety Tips Arlington Tx Roger Rocky Walton

When people start to make vacation plans, many choose to travel by road trip. Often, people feel more comfortable traveling by car, and believe that it offers them more control of their itinerary and safety. Road trips can be a lot of fun, but it is important that drivers are well prepared for their journey.

Car accident lawyer Roger “Rocky” Walton has represented many clients in the Arlington, TX, area who have been injured in road trip car accidents. Here, he offers some road trip safety tips to minimize the risk of a crash and help drivers get to their final destination safely.

Schedule a Vehicle Inspection

While traveling on a road trip, drivers are completely reliant on their vehicle to get them from place to place. If any minor (or major) maintenance issues come up, it can completely sideline the trip, or at least alter the itinerary. Certain vehicle malfunctions also increase the risk of a car accident. 

To avoid the pitfalls of car trouble, we suggest scheduling a vehicle inspection (or conducting one yourself) at least one month prior to travel. Travelers should check:

Make Sure the Car Is Well-Stocked

Even if a vehicle is in good condition prior to a road trip, unexpected issues can come up. It is important that drivers stock their car with essentials that could become necessary should an emergency situation arise, such as:

Make a Schedule

One of the benefits of road trips is that drivers are free to make unplanned stops along the way to check out roadside attractions. It is fun to have some flexibility, but road trip travelers should have some type of schedule that they follow. Having a general timeline for a road trip can help Arlington drivers avoid rushing to reach their final destination or pushing to get back home by a certain time. Without some kind of structure, travelers are more likely to speed or drive for longer hours than they should, both of which increase the risk of a car accident.

Be Prepared for the Weather

Weather has a huge impact on road conditions, and is a contributing factor in many car accidents. When traveling on a road trip, drivers may experience many different types of weather, and it is important to be prepared. Ideally, drivers should start each day of travel by checking the weather forecast for the areas they will be going through that day. If conditions are particularly bad, they may consider altering their itinerary or travel route.

Drive Cautiously

People tend to be more relaxed and laid back when traveling, which is the purpose of vacation. However, drivers should not let their guard down on a road trip. Road trip car accidents are not uncommon. In fact, driving extended hours through unfamiliar areas can actually make crashes more likely. We urge Arlington travelers to drive cautiously on a road trip by practicing these safe driving habits:

Contact Us

Despite these road trip safety tips, accidents can happen. If you have been injured in a road trip accident, car accident lawyer Roger “Rocky” Walton can help you explore your right to financial compensation. To discuss the details of your situation, contact us online, or call (817) 429-4299 today.