Rocky Walton Injury Lawyers

Collecting Damages in a Wrongful Death Case

Dec 29, 2016 @ 12:00 PM — by Rocky Walton
Tagged with: Wrongful Death Personal Injury

A wrongful death describes situations in which a person is killed as the result of the negligent or reckless actions of another person or party. These unexpected deaths place a great deal of hardship on surviving family members. Often, the responsible party is charged with a crime. However, whether that person is charged (or found guilty) or not, family members still have a right to file their own civil lawsuit. Wrongful death cases are meant to compensate survivors of the descendent for the financial and emotional losses associated with the death of the loved one. There is a wide range of possible damages in wrongful death cases, and Arlington, TX attorney Roger “Rocky” Walton carefully examines the details of each case to ensure clients are compensated to the full extent of the law.

Wrongful Death Damages

There are many factors that can affect the types of damages that can be sought in a wrongful death case, as well as the amount of compensation that can be rewarded. Attorney Rocky Walton will go over these factors with clients to determine exactly what types of damages will be sought in each case. In general, these damages will fall under one or more of three categories: economic, non-economic, or punitive.

Who Can Recover Losses?

A wrongful death case seeks to compensate loved ones who are directly impacted by the wrongful death of a family member. Most typically, a wrongful death case is filed by a surviving spouse or surviving children of the deceased. In some instances, other family members, such as parents, siblings, or stepchildren may be eligible to file a wrongful death case. Our team of wrongful death attorneys will examine the details of each case to determine if there are grounds for a wrongful death suit.

Contact Us

If a loved one has been taken from you by the reckless or negligent actions of another, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death case. Attorney Roger “Rocky” Walton has extensive experience in this field, and has helped countless clients collect just compensation for damages in these types of cases. To learn how Rocky Walton can help you, contact us at your earliest convenience.